Epilogue (Politics Drama)...

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In America, a bald tall man picks up a the phone, "Bertham speaking," "It's done" says the voice on the phone. "Good job."

Election day has come close, unfortunate for Bertham, Abby is the favourite, Bertham does not like losing, maybe this is what made him kill the last leader of the largest gang in America "The golden Tiger" and overtake him. His word nowadays is everyone's command. On the election day, Abby made a mistake and took a boat with only 2 bodyguards to reach New York for some businness. All Bertham needs is a small error to pounce on someone and Abby had provided him with that. Joe, his special agent and the top lieutenant of the gang himself carried out the mission, crashing the boat and Abby's dream to become the president. America was going to suffer.