Beginning (Abby)...

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You wake up, you feel very dizzy and your eyes feel heavy. You try and move around but your body won't agree, all you can do is breathe right now. You try to move head ever so slightly to the left but fail. Now panic strikes you and you scream wth all your power, but nothing comes out of your mouth. Forcing yourself to be calm you try to hear and work out where you are, all you can hear is some water rushing near you and you realise you are quite wet. You can feel the sand underneath you and figure that you are on some kind of a beach. Trying to move your head again you finally succeed, and what you see is horrifying. You are on an island and by the look of your clothes have been there for at least a week. You see the beach just a couple feet beside you and the ocean blue as ever. With all your effort you try to look the other way but can't. You decide to wait a couple of minutes before trying again, you believe you were given a drug which made your muscles stop responding to your brain.

After a long 25 minutes you decide to try to move head again and this time you do it quite easily, it appears the drug is wearing off. You very slowly stand up and look around. There is a forest opposite to the beach, which looks so dense that you decide not to go in right now. You go towards the water and see a lot of fish near the shore, and think to yourself you may have food. Realising the sun is about to set you decide to...

Go into the jungle... Walk the beach to find where you came from...